Walking with the Majestic Elephants of Chiang Mai: A Timeless Thai Adventure

Some journey we choose to take
Unknown consequences are at stake.
At the crossroads, decisions are made
“Which road should I take.”

The Girl adventurer
Mae Taeng Chang Mai, Thailand
November 2018

Without a doubt, my most cherished memory of Thailand revolves around an extraordinary adventure in Chiang Mai, where I had the privilege of walking alongside three magnificent elephants. These gentle giants left an indelible mark on my heart, making this experience one I would eagerly relive time and time again.

The day commenced with the first light of dawn, the clock striking six in the morning. My friend and I eagerly gathered in the hotel lobby, brimming with anticipation for a day that promised to be unlike any other. Our destination? The pristine mountains of Chiang Mai, where the promise of an unforgettable encounter with these gentle giants awaited us. The wait, though filled with excitement, felt like an eternity. A quick breakfast and a reviving cup of coffee helped bridge the time until our ride arrived.

As we embarked on the one-hour journey from the bustling city to our sanctuary in the mountains, we took a few pit stops along the way. These breaks not only broke the monotony but also allowed us to savor local delicacies and refresh ourselves. Arriving at our destination was like stepping into a dream; the three awe-inspiring elephants approached us with an air of welcome, as though they were the keepers of this mystical place.

With no time to spare, we adorned ourselves in the requisite red shirts and long gray shorts for our journey. Our day with the elephants was about to begin in earnest. The initial task involved feeding these majestic creatures, an act that, in hindsight, was meant to establish a bond of trust between us and our newfound friends. Forging that connection proved effortless; the elephants’ charm was irresistible.

Our adventure had barely begun, yet my heart was already overflowing with joy. Among our trio of elephants, the baby elephant, affectionately known as Bon-Bon, held a special place in my heart. Her playful demeanor was infectious, and she would playfully nudge me with her head before we engaged in a delightful game of give and take—food followed by play. It felt as though we had formed a unique connection, as if she recognized the child within me.

With both species now thoroughly at ease with one another, our enchanting walk commenced. Descending into a lush mountainous landscape, the three elephants led the way, guiding us as we crossed a serene creek. The sensation of cool water soothing our feet amidst the tropical heat was nothing short of heavenly. Strolling alongside these gentle giants, they would periodically pause to snack on leaves from the surrounding bushes. The creek served as their oasis, offering them a chance to drink and bask in its refreshing waters. Naturally, selfies and photographs were integral to our adventure. After a couple of hours of walking, we reached a charming hut nestled amidst the mountains, where a hearty lunch awaited us. Unable to resist, we shared our watermelons and pineapples with our elephant companions, a gesture they deeply appreciated. Apparently, fruits were preferable to leaves!

As with most hikes, our adventure culminated in a bath, but this was far from your ordinary soak. Our gentle giants opted for a mud bath, and we eagerly joined them—after all, who wants to enjoy a mud bath alone? Laughter and merriment filled the air as we wallowed in the cooling mud alongside our newfound friends. This playful mud bath was followed by a refreshing, albeit less messy, water bath for our elephants. Once they were clean and content, we all enjoyed a final, cleansing shower before embarking on the road to our next adventure, cherishing the memories of this extraordinary day in the mountains of Chiang Mai.

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